Super Mario Bros X Funny Moments

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In addition to fun gameplay, Mario has a great deal of humor.

Paper Mario and Super Mario RPG have their own pages.

From the games

  • From Super Mario Galaxy 2:
  • Super Mario Sunshine has this:


Toad: "The princess is on that island! I think it's called 'Pineapple' or something... How do you think you can get there?"


  • Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga's character Fawful, a walking, talking parody of Blind Idiot Translations:


Fawful: I am the great Cackletta's most best pupil, who is called Fawful. I am here, laughing at you. If you are giving us the chase, then you are idiots of foolishness!...


    • One of the funniest scenes in Superstar Saga was his "comeback speech" with Peasley:


Fawful: "Hah! Now taste the finale, when carelessness opens the door to a comeback not expected by you! Your lives that I spit on are now but a caricature of a cartoon drawn by a kid who is stupid! You shall all fall and vanish with your precious Beanbean Kingdom as I laugh heartily at you!"

Peasley: *slashes Fawful* "HAH! In the finale of the finale, when negligence begets rashness, the comeback is comeback-upon!"

Fawful: *shocks Peasley* "I HAVE FURY!! In the last moments of the finale of the finale, when relief leads to negligence that begets rashness... That is when the comeback that faltered comes back and beats your pathetic comeback that I scoff at!"


    • He's the Big Bad in Bowser's Inside Story. Seeing him singing the Scooby Doo theme while he's looking for the Dark Star is simply priceless, but he has dozens of hilarious moments. "I HAVE SUCTION" is the best line any evil villain will ever say before draining the evil power from an Artifact of Doom.


Fawful: Fawfully-doo!♪ Where are you?! ♪Dark Star, needing you!♪


    • I find his calling Bowser "the king of stupid" really funny for some reason, probably because Bowser certainly does make some incredibly stupid decisions throughout most of the game...
    • Bowser himself gets one where he gets hit by a train and crashed through several boulders. Through sheer brute strength he very nearly stops the thing... Until he trips over a pebble. The last thing he says before he gets crushed?


Bowser:... Doh.


    • The scene where the Mario Bros. fix Bowser's back arguably qualifies. Toadsworth invites Toadbert to have a cup of tea as the impulse triggered by the Bros. is going to work its slooooow magic. After they constantly rub it in the player's face, the message "Why not put the DS system down and take a short tea break?" pops up and the player is supposed to simply wait until the alarm rings. Unless they have a code.
    • You've also got the mind-controlled Hammer Bros. in Partners In Time, which speak in leet.




      • Is it truly "leet" when they don't use numbers instead of letters?
  • There's one cutscene in Super Mario World where Mario sets off the detonator after beating Roy Koopa in the fifth castle, only to see the castle not blow up. He goes to take a look at it... and then the castle blows up right in his face.
    • In a similar vein, after beating Ludwig von Koopa in the fourth castle, Mario sets off the detonator to blow up the castle... only for the castle to launch into the air like a rocket and impact against a nearby hill... which then wears a bandage where the castle hit for the rest of the game.
  • Yoshi's Island: You're heading towards the boss of World 3, the Naval Piranha Plant. You get into the room, close enough to hop up on the ledge, and you can even see the little bugger that'll get transformed... but the cutscene hasn't cued up yet. Well, maybe you'll just take a quick cheap-shot with an egg for laughs...


 Kamek: OH MY!!

Piranha Plant: *** EXPLODES***


    • Not to mention the look on Yoshi's face when Prince Froggy shits him out of his stomach... Yoshi goes from "O_o" to ":3" in seconds flat!
  • In the later Mario Party titles, games played in 2-on-2 Team Mode started getting "team names" handed to them depending on which characters were in the team. While some of them were predictable for obvious character combinations (like Luigi and Yoshi being called "Green Machine"), sticking together any really weird combination of characters results in weird and often hilarious team names:
    • Daisy and Waluigi: Awkward Date
    • Wario and Toadette: Secret Friends
    • Birdo and Blooper: What The Bloop
    • A lot of teams with Dry Bones qualify. Teaming with Mario makes BBQ Ribs, Luigi makes Cry Bones, Wario or Waluigi leads to bonehead/numbskull comments, and Daisy leads to the darkly apt Daisy Pushers.
    • Then there's Dry Bones and Hammer Brother: What-The-Deuce
  • Mario Power Tennis gives us these bloopers.
  • In Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour, when Waluigi gets an eagle or better, he does a dance routine that ends with a lengthy spin followed by a pose where he holds the brim of his hat and points at the camera with an audible sound effect. After a Beat, he realizes he's pointing in the wrong direction.
    • In Superstars Baseball, Boswer gets an platinum one when you decide to not face Mario in Bowser mode at the final boss battle.


  Bowser: NO! Remember your blood sugar Bowser. Ok, now go wash your hands...


  • When you unlock the last row of tours in Fortune Street, the first area is Alefgard from the first Dragon Quest, which reintroduces the Dragonlord and his Large Ham/Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe/Rhymes on a Dime villainous speeches. Unfortunately, they still pale before the interactions between the other two computer characters: Chivalrous Pervert Angelo and Abhorrent Admirer Birdo. They go as well as expected.
    • Bowser, when chosen as an opponent on the Super Mario Bros. stage, complains about how he'll never get that music out of his head now.
  • In the Boss Battle minigame "Bombard King Bob-omb" in Mario Party 9, players must choose one of four bombs to throw at King Bob-omb. The hilarity is if that more than one player chooses the same bomb, they'll bonk into each other as they're running toward the bomb they chose.

From the cartoons

  • "The Great Gladiator Gig" has plenty of funny conversations:


Bowser: Guess who's coming to dinner, Tryclydius - the Marios!

Tryclyde: Mash 'em! Stump 'em! Crush 'em!

Bowser: Don't let 'em see you, snake-breath. I want 'em to walk into my trap.

Tryclyde: Mash 'em! Stump 'em! Crush 'em!

Bowser: Why do I have to give you an order three times before it sinks in!?

Tryclyde heads: I don't know, ask him. / I don't know, ask him.


    • "Uh, excuse my brother, he gets nervous around guys six times bigger than him!"


Mario: This is some place, hey Luigi?

Luigi: It's some place, but I don't know what place.

Brutius: This is the place where we capture you!

Mario: Oh. See, Luigi? This is the place where they--

Mario and Luigi: Capture us!?


    • "Wait a macaroni minute! I got an idea! Dance, Luigi!" "You lost your noodle!?"
  • "Princess, I Shrunk the Marios":


Bowser: Know what I'm gonna do with you buttinskis?

Mario: Say you're sorry and let us go?


  • "Send in the Clown":


Bowser: A circus isn't a circus without a dinosaur-taming act!

Mario: Uh, how about a chipmunk-taming act instead?


  • "King Mario of Cramalot":


Bowser: So, Mario thinks he's king of Cramalot. That impudent little faucet-fixer! How dare he! There's only one king of Cramalot! And who is that?

Koopa Troopa: Ahh, can ya give me a hint?

Bowser: He's sitting right here on this throne!

Koopa Troopa: Well gee, maybe ya better get off him.


    • Mario: Luigi, you have to swim across the moat and lower the drawbridge.


Luigi: ME? B-b-but, I can't! I'm gonna have a baby! (pretends to moan in pain)


  • Bowser praising himself in "Brooklyn Bound":


 "The courage beyond compare, the bravery beyond description, I praise this great hero, the superior fiend... me, Koopa Khan the magnificent! If I didn't deserve this, I wouldn't give it to me."


  • "Have a merry Cave Christmas, Bone Brain! Remember, 'Oogtar' spelled backwards is 'rat goo'!"
  • "Nice try, Koopa, but it's gonna take a lot more than a silly party hat to make me... Koop-masters, your wish is my command."
  • Luigi SCARING THE BOOS in Misadventures in Babysitting. Double as CMOA.

From the movie

  • Gotta love the Troopas dancing to that elevator music.
    • It's even funnier when their commander catches them at it.
    • Later, Toad is able to distract them by playing the same song on his harmonica.
  • There's also this brief scene where Koopa is ordering some pizza for delivery. Later on, when he's confronting the Mario Bros. at the climax, a voice on his walky-talky says, "Sir, your pizza is here!" "Not now."


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